Land Shipping Service

Welcome to AIT, where we offer reliable and cost-effective land shipping services to transport your goods across China and neighboring countries.

In AIT, we also offer the Shipping of goods from China by both truck and rail, which can be an efficient and cost-effective option, especially for long-distance transportation within China or to neighboring countries. It works as the following:

Since China has an extensive network of highways and roads,  we make trucking a viable option for short to medium distances.

We also offer Rail transport, which is particularly suitable for long-distance hauls within China. It's generally more cost-effective than trucking for large volumes of goods and can be faster for certain distances.

Rail transportation to neighboring countries, we use this option that offers a middle ground between the speed of air freight and the cost-effectiveness of ocean shipping.

We also offer multimodal transportation, which is a combination of truck and rail used to transport goods by truck to a rail terminal, load onto a train for the long-distance haul, and then transfer back to trucks for final delivery at the destination.